sábado, 25 de agosto de 2007

A memorable experience

This spectacle of the nature, considered like one of the wonders of the world, was originated about 200 thousand years ago in the site that today we know like “Landmark of the Three Borders”, where the Iguazú river and Parana come together.

A geological fault produced in the channel the Parana river caused that the mouth of the Iguazú river was turned a steep cascade of 80 meters of height.

From that one point, where the Cataracts were originated, to where nowadays is the Throat of the Devil exist 23 kilometers of distance, due to the slow backward movement erosive, but continuous in the position of the Cataracts.

This great original cascade, has become two great winding arcs of 2700 meters of extension. Being the most imposing jump of the set, the Throat of the Devil, 80 meters of height, one is in the main course of the river. According to the river, it owns more or less of great volume are possible to be admired between 160 and 260 jumps, that in average terms would be about 1500 cubic meters of water per second.

The violence of the fall produces a permanent fog, in which the solar rays conform manifolds rainbow of insurmountable beauty

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lunes, 13 de agosto de 2007


The Cataracts of the Iguazú are located in the region that form the cities of Puerto Iguazú (Argentina), Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil) and City of the East (Paraguay), that has been denominated by the RET of the Mercosur like Tourist Pole the Iguazú International.

In order to preserve to the Cataracts and the Subtropical Forest surrounds that them they created two national parks: The Park Nacional Iguazú in Argentina and the Nacional Park do Iguaçu in Brazil.

The Park Nacional Iguazú is located in the extreme northwest of the province of Missions and belongs to the Iguazú department. It limits the East with the plan of Andresito colonization, Provincial Park Yacuy, Caburé-í and Provincial Park Urugua-í; to the South with Establecimiento San Jorge de Pérez Companc S.A.; to the Southwest with the Establishment Port Peninsula of the Argentine Army and to the West with the Municipality of Puerto Iguazú.

Puerto Iguazú is located to the northwest of the Argentine province of Missions. The cataracts are 17 kilometers of this locality, in the border between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, to 1,350 kilometers to the north of Buenos Aires, capital of the Argentine Republic. Inns, capital of the province of Missions, is to 300 kilometers of the cataracts.

What is the Cataratas del Iguazo

The Park Nacional Iguazú, created in 1934 by Law 12,103, owns around 67,620 hectares that were declared Natural Patrimony of the Humanity in 1984 due to their scenic beauties and to the great biological diversity of the subtropical forest.

This located natural sanctuary in end NE of the Argentine Republic, to benign rains and temperatures (15º C of average in winter and 30º C of average in summer) conforms a loaded humidity atmosphere, almost without wind due to the leafy vegetal cupola.

The Iguazú river has a total route of 1320 km until its opening in Parana, 23 km after the cataracts.
Framed by low coasts it most of has in his route a variable width that goes from the 500 to the 1,000 metres. Within the National Park, one is high and mighty to about 1,500 metres and it twists towards the south, soon to retake towards the north, forming an ample one Or, that contains in its opening, the steep unevenness in the land that gives rise to the cataracts: imposing waterfalls.

In their great curve, a proliferation of stumbling blocks, small barren islands and extended islands fragment the river in numerous arms. When arriving at the precipice, each of them gives rise to a jump, whose set constitutes the great fan that is the Cataracts of the Iguazú.

The Park lodges a Natural Patrimony that it includes:

• A native flora with more than 2000 species: leafy ferns, bromelias, orquídeas, palms and gigantic trees that serve as support a great variety of trepadoras enredaderas, that provide permanently with fruits that they attract monkeys, coatíes, deer, toucans, to only name some.

• 450 species of birds, those that are exhibited without timidity in the first hours in the morning and to the dusk, being able to be observed with facility toucans, magpies, teros, parrots and the incredible billhooks, this last species exclusive of the area of the Cataracts of the Iguazú.

• 80 species of mammals, among them to five varieties of felines cross merged the selváticos claroscuros.

• And countless insects, between which a great amount of colorful butterflies stands out.

• The innumerable water obstacles of the area, are guarded by jacares and herons, that nourish themselves of smaller fish.

The importance of conservation of the area resides in which in her species are protected that are in danger of extinction like being: yaguareté (Panther onca), ocelote (Felis pardalis), yacutinga (Aburria jacuntinga), macuco (Tinamus solitarius) to mention some of them, who still find in the Park Nacional Iguazú the conditions for their survival.